
Registration for the white track of the 17th ČEZ SkiTour series is open!


We bring good news for all cross-country skiing lovers: we have just opened registrations for the races of the ČEZ SkiTour series for the upcoming season! So choose from eight unique races and secure your place in the white trail of our most beautiful locations in time. There is a race for everyone - whether by location or route length, so don't hesitate to register.

The 17th ČEZ SkiTour will start on the weekend of 13-14 January in Horní Mísečky, which offers ideal snow conditions for most of the winter. The circuits will again lead through the picturesque Krkonoše National Park in the vicinity of Labská bouda and Medvědín. We will continue a week later at the traditional Krušnohorská 30, where the riders will ride from Cínovec along the Erzgebirge Highway and partly visit Germany. On the last weekend in January, we will follow up after a year's break with the popular Bedřichov Night Light Marathon, which will take skiers under moonlight and with headlamps to the tracks of the ČEZ Jizerská 50. 

In February, we will start the 40th edition of the Orlický maraton in the beautiful surroundings of Deštné in the Orlické Mountains, where last year we enjoyed azure weather and a white winter fairy tale. On the following Thursday, 8th February, the biggest cross-country skiing event in our country, the 57th ČEZ Jizerská 50, will start. There will be a lot of activities on the track and in the background throughout the four days. On the last weekend in February, we will go to the Jesenický ski marathon known as JeLyMan, which will take you through the beautiful surroundings of Králický Sněžník on the border of Rychlebské hory and Hrubý Jeseník. 

After the partner race Bieg Piastów in Poland, the ČEZ SkiTour season will close on 8-9 March with races in Harrachov, where you will enjoy the surroundings of the famous ski jumps and on the first day of the race you will again ride through the snowy trails by moonlight and headlamps. As a finishing touch to the season, for the second time the overall series ranking will be announced. 

The routes of the ČEZ SkiTour races are suitable for beginners and families with children, for whom the 10 km routes are ideal, to the fittest cross-country skiers who will enjoy the 40 km marathon or even the ČEZ Jizerska 50. The upcoming edition of the series will also feature a children's Mini SkiTour race for the youngest cross-country skiers under 15 years of age. So don't hesitate and sign up for the race of your choice and start your winter on cross-country skis!


Dates of ČEZ SkiTour:



Horní Mísečky, Krkonoše Mountains

13. - 14. 1. 2024

Krušnohorská 30, Cínovec

20. - 21. 1. 2024

Bedřichovský Night Light Marathon,
Jizera Mountains

26. - 27. 1. 2024

Orlický maraton, Deštné v Orlické Mountains

3. - 4. 2. 2024

ČEZ Jizerská 50

8. - 11. 2. 2024

JeLyMan, Jeseníky Mountains

24. - 25. 2. 2024

Bieg Piastów, Jakuszyce, Poland

1. - 3. 3. 2024

Harrachov, Krkonoše Mountains

8. - 9. 3. 2024


General partner

Premium partner

Main partners

General media partner

Marketing partner


official suppliers

Media partners


Logistic SkiTour partner

Výživové okénko